Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Experiences

Here you can find a comprehensive list of all the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) XR projects we are currently engaged in. You are welcome to explore and try them out.

Preserving and Teaching Carbajalino Embroidery (VR)

Modernization disrupts the transmission of traditional crafts, risking the extinction of skills like Carbajales de Alba's unique embroidery, prompting urgent digital preservation efforts.

Creators: Md Razaul Haque Usmani, Celia Tundidor Centeno

Keywords: Interactive story-telling, Embroidery, VR


Scottish Curling through VR and Generative AI

The Grand Match, a historic Scottish curling festival, ceased in 1979 due to climate effects. This project revives it in virtual reality, blending tradition with AI and VR to preserve its cultural essence and community spirit amidst environmental changes, ensuring its legacy endures.

Creator: Joscha von Andrian

Keywords: Web VR, LLM, Scottish Curling

Immersive Gamified Application to Enhance Ancient Egyptian Sculpture Learning

This study explores learning ancient Egyptian sculpture-making through traditional texts versus immersive gaming, analyzing user engagement with LLM-based AI and VR. Results from 17 participants indicate higher engagement and curiosity in learning via immersive gaming, highlighting the potential of modern technologies in enhancing interactive, experiential education.

Creator: Alejandro Parrado

Keywords: Open-world, LLM, VR, Ancient Civilisation


Preserving the Art of Neapolitan ‘Pizzaiuolo’ (In-Progress)

This project leverages VR to create pizza-making game, using LLMs to animate NPCs who guide players in mastering Neapolitan 'Pizzaiuolo,' a UNESCO-recognized Intangible Cultural Heritage. This interactive experience offers a profound understanding of this traditional art.

Creators: Sema Sen

Keywords: VR, Serious Game, NPC

Cultural Heritage Decoration Game (In-Progress)

This project introduces multiplayer learning about decorating a traditional hot-pot setting in China, using LLMs for personalized experiences and a gamified approach where players earn decorative items for a dining room through interactions and Q&A with the LLM.

Creator: Yunus Emre Topal, Ricardo Kraft and Junbin Ning

Keywords: VR, Gamification, Multi-players, LLM


Immersive Personal Experience in Virtual Exhibition (In-Progress)

This project explores eye-tracking technology in art exhibitions, aiming to create personalized experiences and advance research in visual perception. It proposes a system using eye-gazing to tailor visitor experiences, integrating LLM to enhance personalization.

Keywords: VR, Eye-tracking, LLM, Virtual Museum

Bavarian Beer Tour (VR)

Beer became popular in Germany especially after the Beer Purity Law was enacted.It states that it will not contain any ingredients other than water, malt, hops, and yeast.

Creators: Carrie Lau, Wunmin Jang, Vaibhav Kesharwani, Mariia Iurtaeva, and Khushi Ladha

Keywords: Beer Making Process, Customized Ingredients, VR